Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Wayne M. Smith wrote:
> > 150 purchases there and only had one problem with some SDRAM. And so
> > what if they don't have the "legal" right to inspect your bag at the
> > door, if it deters shoplifting (a cost that all of us bear) then it's
> > worth the few seconds wait.
> Maybe you don't mind the insinuation that you are guilty of something
> until showing your receipt for someone to mark it with a highlighter
> somehow magically admonishes you of any wrong-doing, but I do.
Costco (formerly Price Club) started the practice around here (DC area).
They basically won't let you leave until your purchased inventory is
checked. Most of the time the checker simply marks it without really
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at *
Received on Sun Jun 08 2003 - 20:19:00 BST