From: peter tremewen <>
Date: Mon Jun 9 00:24:00 2003

Thats definatly worth noting, I'll have to make sure I get the correct
Keyboard for the system then.....

        Peter T.

> At 02:21 PM 6/9/03 +1000, you wrote:
> >My system likewise lacks a keyboard, If anyone has some info on how I
> >connect one up or otherwise comunicate with one it i'd be glad to hear
it. I
> >wonder if there are some old systems sitting around gathering dust in the
> >back of some old chemist then?? I might make some enquiries in that
> >direction and see whatg happens.....
> I also have an NEC terminal that is based on the APC III, bought it to get
> the keyboard for my APC IIIs. The keyboard from the terminal uses
> different character codes though. The keyboard is recognised by the APC
> III, but the characters don't match the keys pressed.
> The keyboard for my NEC 9821 has the same connector, but I haven't been
> game to try plugging it in.
Received on Mon Jun 09 2003 - 00:24:00 BST

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