need 720k 3 1/2" disks

From: Doc <>
Date: Mon Jun 9 22:44:01 2003

Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> Since I didn't have my copy of the "resource Kit", I didn't know that it
> wasn't possible (The Wiley E. Coyote principle of software development)
> If I were to have known that it wasn't possible, then it would have been a
> lot more difficult.
> XP dropped support of formatting 720K from the desktop, and from the
> command line they dropped /F:720, and dropped /F:2. But they did NOT
> eliminate:
> FORMAT A: /T:80 /N:9

   Darn you, Fred!
   Now I'll have to dig out that "advance" copy of Win2003 they sent me
and install it on something, just to see. I had noticed that the /F:720
option was gone, but I have a DOS box that's on a lot more than the
Windows box, so I never pursued it. :)

Received on Mon Jun 09 2003 - 22:44:01 BST

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