goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Tue Jun 10 18:40:01 2003

Rumor has it that Hans Franke may have mentioned these words:

>Ok, I'm going way of topic, but I'm every time again astonished
>how easy some give up their freedom without any need in emergency
>at all.

Like our new Seat Belt law... I hurt no-one by not wearing it, but it costs
me $100USD if I'm caught without it -- and there have been no documented
studies _that anyone can show me_ [1] with regards to how many accidents
people are maimed or killed *by seat belts*, who would be alive or less
injured had they not worn them.

My brother is still kicking because twice he defied the law -- on 2
occasions, he would be dead if he'd worn his seat belt...

And yes, I don't think it should be a crime to commit suicide, either --
it's my life![2]

>Plese, not ment to be personal, but I've experienced people in east
>European contries, 20 years back, when they still hat their dictatoric
>regime more aware, and more eager to defense their freedon than some

Personal or not, you're quite right. Agree or disagree with the war, I
*still* see so many people blame the troops for it -- it's not their fault!
All they can do is the best they can...

... and yet, the "support the troops" movement for some people is a bit too
strong as well -- here in the US there's a huge "push" to wear a yellow
ribbon to show support for the troops -- nevermind that the song this comes
from was actually for an ex-convict (someone being released from prison...)
and I had one lady I never met *rip me limb from limb* when I wasn't
wearing a ribbon. I simply said: "Look here, lady; I supported our troops
by *being one* for 6 years." She didn't even apologize - she just walked
away (quietly at least... thankfully).


>P.S.: Sallam, I may as well sign up atFry's for a job - no knowledge
>of English, and all computer knowledge totaly outdated :)

I don't think you're qualified, Hans! You're knowledge of english is
already too good, from the sounds of it, and most of the real computer
knowledge I use day to day is over (or at least near) 10 years old...

>VCF Europa 5.0 am 01./02. Mai 2004 in Muenchen

OnTopic: I *might* be able to make that next year - Hans, are there any
really good Deutschland map websites out there? I have an uncle in
?Garmisch? (I'd have to look that up) and I served for 3 weeks in Oerbke
(about 50km north of Hannover)...

I've got enough American Express points that I could have 2 free European
Round-Trip tickets -- the wife & I might be headed for Germany sometime -
maybe I'll plan to fly there???

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

[1] Many people say they exist - but when I say "show me" they become
conspicuously quiet...

[2] It's prolly a gubbermint conspiracy - The only reason I can think of
for it to be illegal to take one's own life is because it would reduce the
tax income.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Tue Jun 10 2003 - 18:40:01 BST

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