Totaly OT: DMV (Was: goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon)

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Wed Jun 11 03:57:00 2003

> >If you want to talk about long lines, waits and delays, how about the
> >DMV?

> Heh Heh, I live in a small town. The wait at DMV is never more than
> 5-10 mins. No stop lights either.

Well, Munich is supposed to be a large city, still the
waiting line is usualy less than 10 Minutes (*1) And
best of all, they changed the line policies some time
ago: As soon as you reachend the counter once, and you
have to go for another counter, like paying a fee, you
may jump the line when you return. So only one waiting,
followed by a real express handling. It's a totaly new


(*1) Ok, you're as usual screwed when some unprepaired
foreigners occupie all counters. On the other hand,
during the (short) opening hours they have always all
counters occupied, with backup personal if one goes for
a break.

VCF Europa 5.0 am 01./02. Mai 2004 in Muenchen
Received on Wed Jun 11 2003 - 03:57:00 BST

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