Totaly OT: DMV (Was: goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon)

From: Jim Kearney <>
Date: Wed Jun 11 08:56:00 2003

> Well, Munich is supposed to be a large city, still the
> waiting line is usualy less than 10 Minutes (*1) And
> best of all, they changed the line policies some time
> ago: As soon as you reachend the counter once, and you

Hmm, I've gotten a license at both the DMV in CA (multiple locations), and
the T?V at Muenchen Westpark, and I don't think I've ever waited more than
10 minutes.

The MA RMV, OTOH, made me sign up *5 weeks* in advance to take the 15 minute
multiple-choice test to get my drivers license switched from CA to here.
And even don't ask about the change-of-address nightmare. That was about 10
years ago, though, and I think they're doing much better now.
Received on Wed Jun 11 2003 - 08:56:00 BST

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