Keys writes:
> Well today I got the last piece of news about starting my non-profit museum
> here in Texas and I have got all the official okays from Austin (Secretary
> of State and Texas Comptroller). Now all that is left is to get the
> non-profit status ok from the IRS. I hope to start fund rising here in Texas
> first since they can get tax right off here and then nationwide after I get
> the IRS OK. So far my only cost was a $25 fee to the State plus the cost of
> priority mail. The IRS is going to be a little more costly with a minimum
> fee of $500 to file. Since I still do not have a job it's hard to spend that
> kind of cash right now but the cost of keeping the collection is getting
> higher and higher plus no one can really se it right now.
Sounds great, and it looks like the paperwork isn't a big hurdle like other
I know the situation, no income makes a pinch on cash flow. No cash, no
Gary Hildebrand
St. Joseph, MO
Received on Wed Jun 11 2003 - 11:07:00 BST
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