On 10 Jun 2003, Barry Skidmore wrote:
> I am looking for blank disks to use in a DEC RX50 drive. I have seen
> posted several places that DD disks can be used, but so far my attempts
> to initialize Verbatim DS/DD disks under RT-11 have failed:
> "?DUP-F-Size function failed"
You can't format RX50's with any Dec PDP-11 hardware. You probably can
with a VAXstation 2000, or using a PC and the proper software - there's
instructions for doing it under Linux with a 1.2MB floppy drive and DSDD
disks on the web. If you want to I can probably find them.
Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Wed Jun 11 2003 - 22:00:01 BST