goin to CA soon, to be a CC tychoon

From: David Woyciesjes <dwoyciesjes_at_comcast.net>
Date: Thu Jun 12 08:06:01 2003

Chad Fernandez wrote:
> Fred N. van Kempen wrote:
> > The driver can. Yes. You didnt get the point. THe cops can
> > just as easy pull you over, fine you, and/or take your car
> > and/or license. According to the strict letter of the law.
> > They often dont, and, rather, politely point out that you
> > shouldn't do that.
> Just because you have a headlight out that may even have just blown?
> That doesn't sound like politeness to me, that sounds more like they
> know it's "legal" to put the screws to the citizens, and are lording
> that fact over them. If I have a headlight out, I already KNOW that it
> needs to be replaced, that's elementary.
> Chad Fernandez

        Well, I have to add, around here in the city areas where I live, it
does happen frequently that people _don't_ realize they have one
headlight out. With all of the streetlamps around, its difficult to tell
the difference. There have been a few times, when I'm in a rush that I
don't even notice for a bit that mine are not even on.
        So, when an officer does stop me to tell me I have a problem with my
vehicle, I thank him for his politeness...

---   Dave Woyciesjes
---   ICQ# 905818
Received on Thu Jun 12 2003 - 08:06:01 BST

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