Ebay has been having more trouble than usual with their search engine.
You might try doing the search, and then on the page showing no entries,
press the search button there. Of course, another solution is to avoid
ebay :).
William Donzelli wrote:
> Has anyone on this list been having problems with the Ebay Search
> Engine within the last week or so?
> Wildcard searches, typically using two wildcards, are not working for me
> anymore, typically returning 0 hits. Apparently others have been having
> some problems, as seen on the Ebay discussion boards.
> Ebay tech support is being less than helpful. "Well, it works for us".
> Please reply off list (although I know this will now start an Ebay sucks
> thread).
> William Donzelli
> aw288_at_osfn.org
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Received on Tue Jun 24 2003 - 18:30:01 BST