Device to reset power...

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Fri Jun 27 17:15:00 2003

I'm getting sick of my DSL modem locking up on me. Some times it will be
good for weeks on end, other times it needs to be powercycled every few
hours. This seems to be one of those every few hours days :^(

It is fairly easy to set my Firewall up to monitor and determine if the
firewall is down. The question is, what would it take to get that Firewall
to powercycle the ()#*&% #(*&% modem on it's own? I seem to recall seeing
something that can be plugged into a Serial port, and you can send it
signals to turn the power on and off on a receptical.

Received on Fri Jun 27 2003 - 17:15:00 BST

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