On Sun, 29 Jun 2003, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> --- Jesse Kempf <kempfj2_at_rpi.edu> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On 28 Jun 2003 08:56:46 -0700
> > jmd <jmd5_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> >
> > > i recently came across 2 X1054A SCSI/Ethenet Sbus cards. I am having
> > > trouble finding info about the Ethernet connector. This is not a
> > > standard port configuration. Its quite small (measuring 1/2 wide by 1/4
> > > inch tall) and its *D* in shape. Female.
> >
> > It's an HDI something or other. Sun has a weird dongle that connects to
> > the port and takes AUI on the other end. You'll still need a 10BT->AUI
> > adaptor. Apparently, Sun had things set up so that the same port carried
> > ethernet and audio out. The dongles have a similar port on them
> > specifically for audio...
> Looking at http://lios.apana.org.au/~cdewick/data/sunpix/5011869.jpg
> it has the appearance of an Apple AAUI connector. Given Sun, though,
> all bets are off. Based on a little googling, it does seem to be a
> 10Mbps port, though.
It probably is an Ethernet MII interface connector, which was used
on many SBus cards, for space reasons alone. The MII (Media Independent
Interface) was a "generic ethernet" connector that could be used for
10, 100 and even 1000Mbps media, using a transceiver of some kind to
connect the controller (chipset) to the media (cable), much akin to
the old (10Mbps) AUI interface.
Both of my SBus cards (one with dual Ethernet, the other Ether/SCSI)
have MII connectors. You need an MII->UTP, MII->BNC or MII->AUI
transceiver to hook it up, obviously. :)
Received on Sun Jun 29 2003 - 11:26:00 BST