Device to reset power...

From: Mark Firestone <>
Date: Mon Jun 30 05:21:00 2003

I take it the software didn't hold files open. *My* old BBS software
opened and closed files as needed, and was slightly slower than my friends
software (my evil competitor at the time) which opened all the files on
startup and kept them open.

Can you say file corruption? Sure you can... and *HE* was the
professional programmer... (:

Take Care,


At 20:29 27/06/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I used to have a BBS system that needed to be periodically reset. I just
>got one of those digital clock-timers from Radio Shack, which you plug
>in to the wall, and you can plug things into them and set an on/off
>time. I set the ON time to 4:01 AM and the OFF time to 4:00 AM. So at
>4:00 it would go off, then back on at 4:01. Worked great.
> - Bob

"Homer, we don't have to have sex."
"Yes we do, the cookie told me so."
"Deserts aren't always right Homer."
"But they're so delicious."

BBS: telnet 2323
Tradewars: telnet
Received on Mon Jun 30 2003 - 05:21:00 BST

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