Motorola MCM6665BP20 Specs
Hi Tim, The format is 64K x 1 with an access time of 200ns. It
was introduced sometime before 1982 as it appears in my 1982
IC Master. I have specs for the 6664 part if that would help,
but it is supposed to be compatible with the more generic 4164
chip in case you already have specs for that.
Best regards, Steve Thatcher
>--- Original Message ---
>From: "Tim" <>
>To: <>
>Date: 2/28/03 2:02:18 PM
>I've recently been going through a few items I had tucked away
& found a bunch
>of IC's...
>Now I'm going through them, one by one, & trying to find as
much info I can
>So far, I've found nothing on the Motorola MCM6665BP20, a 16pin
chip with a
>secondary code of FQD8432.
>I'm trying to find complete specs, any idea's?
>Thanks in advance,
Received on Sat Mar 01 2003 - 20:49:24 GMT
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