Depends on the slab. If it's a non-ADB slab, the answer is no. But
real non-ADB keyboards go for $10-15 on ebay. It will also dependo n
his ROM version. It has to be v.74 or better to use an ADB keyboard.
Does he have the NeXT mouse? If it's a rectangle it's non-ADB, if it's
round it's ADB. Also is the slab a color slab or a mono slab? If it's
mono, he will need the N4000a or N4000b monitor, if it's a color slab,
he will need the soundbox and the Y cable.
Mike wrote:
>A friend has a slab but is missing the keyboard.
>Will a MAC keyboard also work?
>Does anyone have the pinout to let him rebuild one?
Received on Sat Mar 01 2003 - 21:59:01 GMT