SOLUTION: Reading a VMS CD-ROM for SIMH under Windows?

From: Clint Wolff <>
Date: Sat Mar 1 22:22:00 2003

I ran across the following web page:

This program lets you mount a CDROM under windows (I tested it on XP),
and navigate the file system like you was running VMS.

It requires a file which appears to be licensed, but is available
as part of the demo version of a popular CD-R burning program named
after a Roman emperor with a penchant for music during conflagrations.


PS Deliberate obfuscation to prevent web searches by the licenser
getting a certain software publisher in trouble...

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Ethan Dicks wrote:

> --- Antonio Carlini <> wrote:
> > I've not actually attempted to use the results with SIMH, so
> > all I'm reporting is that CDRWin is reading *something* from
> > the CD! I'd burn the result to a CDRW if I thought any of
> > my RRD4x devices could cope.
> I already have verified that my RRD42 does _not_ like CD-R
> media. :-(
> -ethan
Received on Sat Mar 01 2003 - 22:22:00 GMT

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