On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Bill Allen Jr wrote:
> BTW any more info or updates an that very rare fps mini?
I was meaning to respond to a message you wrote a couple weeks ago:
> the the sys 460 is a two rack system - 1 rack had the diablo disk drive,
> hard drive and i/o comms interface (i have all of those components and
> alot of spare cpu and terminal pcb's).
> the other rack had both the iv 70 and iv 90 cpu's in it.
This sounds an awful lot like what I have.
> the iv 70 had a card in it that passed the backplane signals to the iv
> 90 - i don't know why they used this "dual cpu" confg.
Check out this picture:
On the left is the CPU cabinet. The top is the IV/90 CPU (presumably).
The section below contains more boards. I haven't looked at it so long
that I forgot exactly what's in there.
On the right is the tape drive (top). I forget what is directly below it
(the aluminum thing). Below that is (I believe) the communication
I'll have to give a look at it this week to refresh my memory. I'm closer
to being able to access it again because of the move.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
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Received on Sat Mar 01 2003 - 23:20:00 GMT