> I have a big pile of Computer & related books, plust
> software, etc that need to be gotten rid of:
> http://users.bestweb.net/~jamesl/ToGetRidOf.html
Chapter 2:
James didn't want to wait for me to sort things at his
house so I now have the whole lot in my car.
Some requests have been recieved (thank-you).
The TRS stuff is still free.
Here's two books on subjects covered recently:
Epson HX-20 and Epson QX-10
There are alot of good college compsci books here for the interested,
Also alot of intro BASIC guides from the 70's and 80's.
Quite a few books on applications, let me look for your area of specialty,
Send in your requests before I have to throw things.
John A.
Received on Sun Mar 02 2003 - 16:43:00 GMT