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>Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 02:59:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: Deacon Benjamin Ewemie <>
>Subject: Remained Blessed in the lord!
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>Dear in Christ,
> I am in anticipation of your reply and I am standing on Malachi 3:10 where our Lord Jesus has decree that we should bring tithes and offering to his store house, he convinced us that he will open the windows of heavens and bless us most abudantly. I am a retired Director general of Ministry of aviation and transport and presently the managing director of Solomon consultancy firm and Solomon foundation Inc not until last two years I was practically in the world. Due largely to the counseling of my wife and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I confessed Jesus as my personal Lord and saviour and I became a member Redeemed pillar fire ministry and the man of God Pastor Ellias counseled me for deliverance which I did for a period of 30 days, for God said in Obadiah 1:17, that upon mountain Zion there will be deliverance, after which holiness and one can posses his possessions that already I have claimed as my portion. During my thanksgiving that proceedeth prayer session in my ministry, our Lord ministered t
o me concerning my funds in Europe to invest it in His work and I proceed to posses my possessions. I related with the Elders of my ministry and Pastors of my ministry to direct me. Five names and ministries were nominated and we all prayed for God?s divine confirmation which he did at the third/3rd day. Already all arrangements have been concluded with the security house in where they were deposited, for the direct payment of the funds $21.6 million us dollars to you. All you need do is to furnish me with your full names,address, Telephone & Fax numbers in order to appropriate the document with the central bank of Nigeria (C. B. N) clearing house in Europe for onward payment to you. Then I will be able to confirm to you Brother in Lord the code access number to contact the central Bank of Nigeria Clearing House for the fund.I thank God for his Grace upon my life and for making me to know our Lord Jesus Christ,Glory be to God.Be informed that this fund is strictly for the work of God and other investment tha
>Remain Blessed
>Deacon Ben Ewemie.
>You can reply me
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