Draftmaster II

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue Mar 4 10:50:01 2003

--- John Lee <pennyfar_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> cctalk_at_classiccmp.org--
> I have some experience/documentation on the Draftmaster II,
> if it would be of any assistance to you.
> Cheers . . . John <pennyfar_at_hotmail.com>

Sure... what have you got? I've been to the HP site and gotten
what little they have. I expect that most of the software is
bundled with the application anyway (I need to plot from AutoCAD
and OrCAD).

I still need to pick up some pens. Someone on the list made an offer
of a box of some used ones, but I've lost the original e-mail.

Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 10:50:01 GMT

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