[Fwd: VAXStation Cluster up for sale.]

From: David Woyciesjes <dwoyciesjes_at_comcast.net>
Date: Fri Mar 7 08:27:00 2003

        I saw this on the NetBSD-Vax mailing list. Maybe someone here has the
$400 to spend on this lot?

"J. Buck Caldwell" wrote:
> So I've reached the point where I have no more room/time/energy for my
> poor neglected Vaxen. I'm dumping the load. I want to offer the lot to
> you all first, knowing that they'll get a good home - but if they don't
> go here, I'm putting them individually on EBay. I can't justify giving
> them away to my wife - she insists I charge back rent to the new owner.
> Here's a rough list:
> (8) VAXStation 3100/m38 - one SPX - all with various drives, one with
> SCSI TK50. All have 16Megs.
> (1) DECServer 300 (with MOP image on CD) - 16-port MMJ Terminal Server
> (9) 10BaseT Transcievers - one for each of the above.
> (9) 6' 10BaseT Cables (red)
> (10) 6' MMJ Cables
> (1) 3Com SuperStackII Switch 1100 - Manageable, 12-port 10BaseT, 2-port
> 100BaseT switch.
> I have, at one point or another, put NetBSD on each of these systems,
> but only 3 of them recently. They will all come with what is on them
> now, which may or may not be bootable. They are all BELIEVED to be in
> working condition, but no guarentees. Now for the bit that will scare
> everyone off: I'd like to get $400 for the lot. I'd also like someone to
> come pick this up in St. Louis, or meet me within 100 Miles. I can ship,
> but shipping would be rediculously expensive, I imagine, but it's your
> dime if you want it shipped. First come, first served - and if no
> takers, the lot goes on EBay sometime next week. I will NOT part this
> out unless it gets to EBay.

---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818
Received on Fri Mar 07 2003 - 08:27:00 GMT

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