Nearly half a year ago I put out version 0.5 of my Wang 2200 emulator.
Life got busy, and it has taken a lot longer than I expected to get
version 1.0 ready. With this release, the source code is also available.
If you want to take a look, here the link to the emulator, including
release notes:
The "front door" to the Wang 2200 site is here:
The emulator is written for a Win32 environment, although it might just
run under Wine on Linux, or one of the Mac PC emulators. I don't use
anything too exotic in the Win32 API. The zip file contains a couple
dozen programs to try out.
What is the 2200? It was first announced by Wang Computers in 1971 or
so, and was a dedicated BASIC-only machine. It is a TTL-based CPU that
had ROM'd microcode to implement the BASIC interpreter. The BASIC is
interesting in that it is ideosyncratic: weak in some areas (statically
sized string variables), very strong in others (MAT SORT anyone?).
Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 14:07:23 GMT