>This reminds me of when I had to create a fictious corporate name,
>back when I was in college, just so I could purchase difficult to find
>semiconductors from sales 'droids at electronics distributors. They
>refused to sell me anything unless I was a business... so, I simply
>told them I was one and made up a name to go with it. By doing so, I
>got quite a few freebies as well (if big companies can get such
>freebies, why shouldn't electronics hobbyists?), and got into an
>electronics trade show too, where I got enough samples, product
>literature, databooks, etc. to fill up the car's entire front seat,
>floor area and a fairly large part of the back seat. ...and I got a
>free pit-beef sandwich as well at that trade show. :-)
That is EXACTLY how my "company" got started. I wanted to buy some parts
from someone that only sold to businesses. So I made up a company name
(Myth Technologies... because the company itself was a myth), printed
some business cards in HS Graphic Arts class, some letterhead on a laser
printer and bought my parts.
I later used the business cards to start getting extra stuff at computer
trade shows... and eventually when I did start doing part time
consulting... it was just natural to keep using the same name. (Today I
actually have to declare the company on my taxes)
Received on Tue Mar 18 2003 - 08:35:01 GMT