Soldering Irons (was RE: SWTPC TV Typewriter II restoration)
(This is a reply I sent to someone else that asked me the same question)
Perhaps I'm a little harsh. My experience with them is they tend to be
somewhat underpowered for heavier pins. But my major complain is they use a
different tip series than the MX-500's. For light work (typically through
hole, SMT), it should work fine. For soldering TO-220 tabs to ground
planes, I think you'll have problems. But more than anything, it's making
the investment in tips. And the tip selection is a lot more limited. Of
course, if you're buying tips on eBay, the prices are so low that you won't
have a large investment. Buying tips at retail hurts.
As far as things going wrong with them, I'm not aware of any particular
failure modes with them. I also have a lot less experience with them than
the RFG-30 and MX-500 bases.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On
> Behalf Of Andy Holt
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 01:26
> To:
> Subject: RE: Soldering Irons (was RE: SWTPC TV Typewriter II
> restoration)
> > There is only one TRUE soldering iron. If you're serious
> > about soldering
> > and surface mount, you want a Metcal. Don't get the SP-200
> > series, they're
> > junk. Used Metcals can be had on eBay. Avoid the RFG-30
> bases, those are
> > antiques (and not in a good way). The MX 500-DS is ideal,
> as you can use
> > the 2nd port for either another wand, or the Talon tweezers.
> >
> What is the problem with the SP-200?
> At a recent local auction I picked-up 8 of these for ?40
> intending to resell
> on eBay -
> A couple of them don't have tips, the others all have high
> temperature tips.
> Andy
Received on Wed Mar 19 2003 - 10:33:00 GMT
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