"The Art of Electronics" - edition differences?

From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu Mar 20 18:32:23 2003

> To those that have "The Art of Electronics", is there much difference
> between the first and second editions? Is one "preferable" to the

I have both...

The 2nd edition has several new sections -- on micropower designs, on
SMPSUs, and so on. For classic-computer people it even includes a
schematic of the Tandy 2000 PSU...

There was very little taken out IMHO. The main change was in the
microprocessor sections -- the 1st edtiion was based on 8-bit chips (I
forget which one -- 8085? Z80?), the 2nd edtion is based on the 8086/8088
(and the lab manual covers the 68008)

Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 18:32:23 GMT

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