Large Collection of DEC & other License PAKs: Any takers?

From: Bruce Lane <>
Date: Thu Mar 20 19:15:00 2003

Hi, folks,

        Hey... I've got an item here that I really didn't want to put up for auction. I'd much rather pass it on to a fellow Classiccmp'er who can use it. It's a file folder, nearly a half-inch thick, crammed full of old DEC and Wollongong license PAKs for all kinds of products, including VMS 5.x, DECNet, and other assorted goodies.

        First person to E-mail me directly (, or kc7gr at qsl dot net), with an offer of $15.00 (includes postage), can have the entire pile. I'll go by time/date stamps on any responses to determine who's message got here first.

        Thanks much.

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 --
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be superior
to what I have now..." (Taki Kogoma, aka Gym Z. Quirk)
Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 19:15:00 GMT

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