I originally posted this the the comp.sys.ibm-as400 group but other than
someone wanting the disks I hd no replies, so I'll try here.
I have connected everything and it is now time to power up my AS400 9404.
There were 6 disks in the box with it. I'm not certain I have picked the
correct 3 to start.
What message might I see if the disks are not loaded in the correct order?
Or might there be a label on the drive that takes care of that?
Is there any external markings, of jumpers that might indicate the correct
If it works, is there a way to gt to single user mode, or bypass the
If I I get stuck is there a way to cleanly shutdown?
If all else fails is there any interest in 9404 parts?
Ottawa, Canada
Collector of vintage computers
Received on Sun Mar 23 2003 - 10:37:00 GMT