No Rear View (was Re: Take Two or Nothing)

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Mon Mar 24 23:41:01 2003

Quothe Roger Merchberger, from writings of Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 11:50:24PM -0500:
> Altho the station wagons of days gone by could handle pretty decent loads,
> they always had the rear-view mirrors of a car... so I'll keep my full-size
> 4x4, thanks! (horrible gas mileage & all...)

Do you get less than 12 MPG on the highway and about 7 MPG or less in
the suburbs or cities? If not, then you might want to trade up to
something with lower gas mileage that can shock more people. :-) Funny
thing... the fuel economy sticker in the station wagon's window, when
it was new and on the dealer's lot, read something like 18 MPG, but I
don't think this was ever achieved (is it possible for a 351C engine
to ever achieve mileage like that when the car weighs over 5000 lbs?)

> Dunno if you've actually listened to CB lately, but IMHO, the AM waves in
> that band are full of idiots. The never should have taken away the
> licensing restrictions on that band... [[ and yes, I used to know 90%+ of

Agreed. CB radio has gone from fun to annoying. Between the idiots
in the inner city who never shut up and those with high-power
transmitters, it's nearly impossible to even a CB radio within a few
miles, or more, of the city.

> the 10-codes... my dad's a trucker, so I learned young. My handle was the
> "Whiz-Kid"]] My dad still has a CB (for channel 9...) but never uses it
> anymore -- because of the low S:N ratio.

Thats why I keep one as well, in case the cell phone isn't working.
However, I wonder if it would even work with all of the high-power
transmitters blocking other people out.

> To try to bring this ontopic - every time my friend moves his (rather
> heavy) Viewsonic 19" monitor, he complains about it's weight. (He does
> on-site digital photography; I help him out some weekends.) I remind him
> that I have a 17" that's just as heavy. He doesn't believe me. (The one for

The HP 98789 is rather heavy as well... it sure takes up a lot of
space for a 17" monitor, and is possibly one it's way to being offered
to a new home if I can't find some place to store it where it isn't in
the way of something else.

> my VaxStation 3100). Some nite I'll have him over for a beer, and teach 'im
> a lesson... ;-) Then I'll let him pick up my DEC 19"... ;-) Who says

Oooooh,.. cruel! the monitor, that is. After all, what if he
drops it?

Copyright (C) 2002 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reserved            an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such         beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Mon Mar 24 2003 - 23:41:01 GMT

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