Anyone need spare Printronix parts?

From: chris <>
Date: Tue Mar 25 14:33:00 2003

>I'm scrapping a Printronix P-300 printer and thought
>I'd check to see if anyone needed any parts before
>it hits the scrapper.

I've got one as well that is available for parts. Everything in mine
should be good other than the power supply (was working fine when the
power supply blew, a repair tech said the transformer in it is dead).

I may also have some unopened ribbons for it. I probably also still have
a few extra fuses for the power supply (I bought them when it first died,
and when it blew the next set, I called in a repair guy to look at it)

And mine is mounted on a rolling stand, and has a paper catch bin for the

Are these things worth anything at a scrap yard? I've been planning to
just flip mine into the dumpster one of these days (its in a back corner
of an unused section of office space, so I just keep forgetting about it).

Received on Tue Mar 25 2003 - 14:33:00 GMT

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