Industrial VAX 630 booting saga

From: David Woyciesjes <>
Date: Thu Mar 27 07:27:01 2003

John Allain wrote:
> > Loading system software
> Do you know that it had software?
> It's easy to erase a whole drive when a company is not sure
> which files are sensitive or not.
> I don't know from my limited knowledge how to distinguish
> from a good+empty drive and a bad drive.
> Perhaps it requires additional diagnostics SW.
> John A.

        Yeah, it did have software. They were testing keyboard and mice on it,
so it must have a minimum GUI on there. And the people at CTI aren't the
type to go deleting files, especially since at the time, they were under
the impression that they would have to return the VAX...

---Dave Woyciesjes
---ICQ# 905818
Received on Thu Mar 27 2003 - 07:27:01 GMT

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