HP Amigo command set and HFS disk format

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com>
Date: Fri May 2 16:26:16 2003

Hi Peter,

At 08:44 PM 5/2/03 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>Looks as though the CS80 / LIF part of my HPIB disk reader/writer is working
>OK now - thanks to those who gave me pointers.
>I've come across another HPIB hard disk that that uses the Amigo command set
>(- I think) and contains data in HFS format.

     I'd be surprised if it is Amigo and uses HFS. What kind of drive is it? I can tell you for certain what kind of command set it uses.

>Does anyone have full documentation for these two standards in .pdf format?

    You asked me about this a few days ago but I've been busy and forgot to reply. I have a document called "HP Flexible Disk Drive Command Set" that I'm pretty sure contains a description of the Amigo command set. It's an appendix to the HP 9114 disk drive service manual. It's 36 pages long. I can send you a copy or I'll send it to Al K. or anyone else that wants to scan it and post it on the web somewhere.

>Peter Brown
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Received on Fri May 02 2003 - 16:26:16 BST

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