Vintage Computer Message Board

From: Stan Sieler <>
Date: Sun May 4 01:36:15 2003

> - the ability to support off topic conversations along with on-
> topic ones without burdening those not interested in one or the other
> - the ability to easily search archives for topics of interest
> - the ability to keep ?threads? of discussion together
> - the ability to categorize these threads for easier research

That's all easily achievable with the current CC-TALK/CC-TECH.
...just use a small prefix (from a small set of group endorsed ones).

E.g.: OT: iraqi playing cards
where "OT" means "Off Topic"

> result is now available for use at A
> link is also available from my front page.

The inherent problem with the current vcforum web interface is the large
amount of extra work that people need to do to use it. With CC-TALK, all the
current posts are visible (one per line) on my screen. With vcforum, I
have to scroll the index web page to see what sections have new posts.
For each section with a new post, I have to click on it (deciding whether or
not to click-into-new-window or click-into-same-window), just to see the list
of topics in that section. Then I have to potentially scroll (not now, but
later, as more topics are posted) to see which topics have new posts ...
the end result it that it takes me 10 to 20 times longer to "catch up" as
it does with CC-TALK/CC-TECH.

Could this be fixed? Yes. There could be an alternate presentation page which
lists all new posts, one per line ... sortable by topic or date-posted.
I should be able to quickly mark any I wish as "ignore" (aka "delete" in a
mail reader). However, most web based forums use the server to accomplish
updates, as opposed to doing more work just behind the glass (e.g., java
to collect the updates/markings/wishes and then upload the set to the server).
That's easier, of course, but clearly makes for more work and/or slower
response for the user.

One person's comments, anyway :)

Stan Sieler 
Received on Sun May 04 2003 - 01:36:15 BST

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