> I think Joe sent me a copy of this a while back. Anyway, I fished it
> out of the pile in the living room and fed it to the scanner, with the
> result being at <http://www.reanimators.org/tmp/hpfddcs.pdf> (1183KB)
> for the time being.
> Joe, are you sure this was in the 9114 service manual? Not the 9121
The only 9114 service manual I saw was a totally useless thing with no
schematics, no pinouts, no real info at all.... Needless to say I have my
own notes on fixing these drives...
I do have an HP manual called something like '3.5" diskette drive service
manual'. The first section covers the original Sony drives (mostly at a
board-swapper level :-(). Subsequent sections cover the various units
this drive was used in (I don't have a section on the 9114, but I guess
it may have been optional). They include PSU schematics but not much
more. Finally, there's the useful section, giving the drive command
set... That's the best bit of the manual.
> or 9133? I'm just thinking it wouldn't make much sense being in an
> HP-IL drive manual.
I thought the 9114 could use either Amigo (or maybe SS/80) or modified
filbert protorcol.
Received on Sun May 04 2003 - 13:04:09 BST