At 15:19 03/05/2003 +0100, Bob Clark wrote:
>Yes I remember Bob Clark
>( because
>I am he, and I remember Peter Turnbull too. This is getting silly, because
>this week I have relocated Bill Olivier (CommunITel) and Lindsay Reid (Viewfax
>258), mostly by accident.
>Best regards,
Hmm... want to add an ex-Micronet Employee, ClubSpot 810 editor, bulletin
board operator (incl. an official TG_at_H software user) Prestel message board
operator ("Free Speech") and suchlike? Namely Me!
It's a small world.
At 16:07 03/05/2003 +0100, Bob Clark wrote:
>... the good news is that Lindsay still has Viewfax 258 backed up on 5.25"
>floppy disks. There's quite a few disks, and we'd have to sort through them
>somewhat to find the Gnomey bits. But Lindsay is happy to loan his disks to
>Glyn the man with the archaic hardware, all he needs is his address. Then he'd
>like his disks back. I figure we could probably blow the lot onto the first
>quarter inch of a CD for him.
>So our dream may come true and we'll have both the Gnome on Prestel and the
>Gnome at Home splurged all over our shiny new web site.
I fancied at one point digging out some of my old Beebs, setting the
fileserver up again, and linking the lot to a terminal-server on the DSL,
and hey Presto, my TG_at_H clone back online again! But .. does anybody do a
Java applet that will run a viewdata terminal emulation?
I have a complete archive of Freech backed up on various media, too, if
anyone were really interested in 15 year old ramblings from a moderated
chat board..!
Give my regards to Glynn as and when you see him - he gave me a Terry
Pratchett book once when I was up there admiring the rats nest, and I'm
still reading them - just been given the new one as a present :-) :-)
(aka T.M.S., once.)
Received on Mon May 05 2003 - 15:24:01 BST