On 2003.05.08 04:11 Ron Hudson wrote:
> Is this the device that runs automated test systems, has a 9" touch
> screen?
No. It has 4 (optional 8) serial lines for terminals (got a ADM 3A with
it.[1]) and two serial lines for printers. The 8540 hardware CPU
emulater is controlled via serial lines too. The only other connector on
the main unit is a connector for a hard disk expansion. This thing seams
to be used for software development on embeded controllers. I have a
6802 CPU probe and a 9 channel logic probe also.
[1] Isn't the ADM 3A a upper case only terminal? My 3A has an extra
board in it with EPROMs, so this may be that lower case option module as
my terminal is capable of upper and lower case characters.
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Thu May 08 2003 - 03:38:05 BST