Japanese 100V units on USA 110-120V

From: Cameron Kaiser <spectre_at_floodgap.com>
Date: Sat May 10 00:11:00 2003

> > Anyone out there have experience with how Japanese computers of that era
> > (early 1980s) tolerate United States mains voltage, since Japanese voltage
> > is lower (100V)? Any recommendations, cautions, or concerns?
> Also most likely 50 htz.

I thought that Japanese voltage could be either, something like the
west coast being 60Hz and the east coast being 50Hz (IIRC).

> Two syllables: Variac. Little one, 2 amps is more than enough. It is
> quite possible that you'll slowly fry the power transformer - it will
> always run hot on USA mains. If you can score a cheap small variac, you
> can run it on 90 or 95 volts and it undoubtedly will be happy.

Hmm, okay. I probably should invest in a Variac anyway. Sources?

----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- Now you see why evil will always win, because good is dumb. -- "Spaceballs"
Received on Sat May 10 2003 - 00:11:00 BST

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