Oldest computer still in current use

From: Andreas Krennmair <a.krennmair_at_aon.at>
Date: Sun May 11 11:42:01 2003

* Pierre Gebhardt <cheri-post_at_web.de> [03-05-11 16:54]:
> Additional question:
> Can the PDP-11 be connected to the internet ?
> What about TCP/IP ?

simh is able to simulate some kind of network adapter for the PDP-11, so
hardware exists to connect a PDP-11 to the internet. In fact, I already
had 2.11BSD running inside simh, downloading software via FTP.

regards, ak
What makes you think that I'm not a chatbot?
Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 11:42:01 BST

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