> So that leaves the question: how to get a kaypro II disk image?
> I have a PC (P-166) lying around that I added a 5.25" drive to for the
> purpose of reading some trs-80 disks. I'm not sure of the drive density
> at the moment; that was a while back. What density drive should I use
> in my PC? What software it recommended for making a bootable disk?
> Short of bothering the tireless Don Maslin, are there any disk images
> available online that could help me out? Should I scratch any plans to
> recover the CP/M 2.2 image on the A drive and instead just attempt to
Sounds like you need to bother the tireless Don Maslin....with whatever
ROM info you have. Most likely, you won't end up with a normal Kaypro
II disk image! From what I can make of the available info, you can use
the Sydek program 22DISK to transfer files from Kaypro disks to MS-DOS
files and vice-versa, but it won't work to make a bootable disk. It
requires the use of a 360k disk drive for best results--as 1.2M drives
have different size heads and record at different levels. I've had good
luck using a 386 PC with a 360k drive and wfwg 3.11 to read and write
Kaypro floppies and talk over my lan to get files to/from the internet.
One of the roughly ten Kaypros I've owned had the fan mod; a couple had
OEM fans, but none have had the Advent rom; nor have any had hard drives
added (the K10 I have now has a working hard drive, although the
original files are long gone...and it takes some creative "laying on of
hands" to get the drive spinning after it's been sitting awhile)
Sounds like a fun machine!
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Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 20:00:53 BST