Oldest computer still in current use

From: vance_at_neurotica.com <(vance_at_neurotica.com)>
Date: Sun May 11 20:02:41 2003

On Sat, 10 May 2003, TeoZ wrote:

> The oldest computer still in use has to be a government non military
> server somewhere. The military gets too much cash not to swap their
> equipment out every decade at the latest so I rule them out. Other
> branches only upgrade after every user who knows how to run the system
> is dead/retired. Probably some computer setup for the social security
> database, or liscense plate server or other mundane task.
> Besides im shure there are tons of Sinclair's running chemical plant
> controllers in the Ukraine somewhere that are at least older then the
> C64.
> What about the computer sent out in the Voyager spacecraft in the 70's?
> Or is this just personal computers?

IBM East Fishkill still very much has Series/1's in full operation. I
think there's also an S/360/30 doing something.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 20:02:41 BST

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