Oldest computer still in current use

From: vance_at_neurotica.com <(vance_at_neurotica.com)>
Date: Fri May 16 10:45:01 2003

On Fri, 9 May 2003, Stan Sieler wrote:

> > 1: What is the oldest computer or comptuer system still in normal
> > operational use
> Someone/group just ran a contest to find out the answer to that last
> year. I don't recall who/what won, nor if I was "happy" with the result
> :)
> A friend has an IMSAI 8080 that he still uses to burn PROMs ... that's
> the oldest one I know of.
> If you want mainframes, one of our clients has an HP 3000/70 (dating
> back to about 1983) still in continual daily use ... not sporadic.

I've personally seen with my own eyes an IBM S/360/30 still operating in
an industrial setting.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 10:45:01 BST

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