Preserving ancient media

From: Hills, Paul <>
Date: Fri May 16 11:05:36 2003

I have quite a bit of software on cassette tapes for 1980s home computers.
Does anyone know of a simple method (without having to design and build
myself a dual-tone decoder circuit + write suitable PC software) of getting
this information onto a PC? I guess the home computer emulator pages on the
web must have done this.

Maybe I could record it as a WAV file then write a program to decode the
WAV? Or would MP3 encoding be capable of compressing and reliable expanding
the audio data (MP3 is of course designed to compress music which these
squeaks and whistles clearly are not, even if they lie within the audio

Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 11:05:36 BST

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