When does a hobby turn into an obsesion or compulsion? My small collection
is relatively new, and pretty much focussed on game machines (c64,c128,
IIgs, Amiga 500,1200,atari ST, etc) and a few 68k macs, powermacs, and a
bunch of PC's. They dont take up that much space, not like a mainframe
anyway, and run off of 120VAC.
Oh, and wives have been known to make their husbands throw out their
collections of whatever so they can store their own stuff like clothes,
shoes, antiques. Some of that is practicle, some of it is just taking
----- Original Message -----
From: "chris" <cb_at_mythtech.net>
To: "Classic Computer" <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Leaving the hobby
> >I just signed on with a mover yesterday and it's going to cost me a ton
> >to move my butt and my family to a new house, much of it because of the
> >thousands of pounds of computers and related items I've got stashed.
> >
> >Hell, the reason we're moving is that we're out of space! :)
> My wife just told me last night that "We are not taking that sh*t with us
> when we move". She was refering to the piles of computers I have in my
> barn.
> I'm still trying to figure out who the "We" was referring to. :-)
> -chris
> <http://www.mythtech.net>
Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 14:07:01 BST