Current Subscribe Procedure?

From: Gooijen H <>
Date: Wed May 21 04:46:00 2003

Well, I quickly checked for Outlook. Outlook Express *could* be
different as with many other things between Outlook/Outlook Express.
To see all headers do the following in Outlook:
- open the mail message (not preview, but "full screen")
- click "View" from the menu bar
- select "Options..." from the list that appears.
  The "Message Options" dialog box opens.
- In the "Message Options" dialog box at the bottom the
  scroll box shows the "Internet headers:".

- Henk.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zane H. Healy []
> Sent: woensdag 21 mei 2003 10:44
> To:
> Subject: Re: Current Subscribe Procedure?
> >Being a major smart A** I can't resist pointing out the following
> >information in the message headers. Though since you're in
> a Win98 system I
> BTW, this was supposed to have a smiley in there....
> >suspect they're probably hidden from you (I read a lot of
> the messages using
> >'elm' on Unix so I see most of the headers). I don't think
> I see these when
> >I read the messages with Eudora on my Mac.
> It turns out that I can see the headers under Eudora, though
> I'm wondering if they show up under MS Outlook/Outlook
> Express. Do they?
> Zane
> --
> --
> | Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
> | (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
> | | Classic Computer Collector |
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------+
> | Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
> | PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
> | |
Received on Wed May 21 2003 - 04:46:00 BST

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