DEC DSSI cabling wanted

From: Steve Jones <>
Date: Thu May 22 17:56:01 2003

I wrote:
>> I'm looking for DEC DSSI cabling, terminators, etc. I'm located
>> in the Boston suburbs, but will happily pay shipping.

John Allain responded:
> mini-IDC based or mini-centronics based?

Er, yes. ;^) I've got to go from uVAX 3400 and VAX 4k500 bulkheads (and
KFQSA) to each other and some HSD05/HSD10. The HSD's use micro-DB50 sized
connector that looks like a Centronics, while the uVAX 3400 (and I assume
the 4k500) have what looks like an inverted micro-DB50 connector (male on

I never used DSSI machines in production, so I'm very unclear what these
cables are or look like...


smj(at) (lose spamfree to get through, m'kay?)
Received on Thu May 22 2003 - 17:56:01 BST

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