On 2003.05.22 22:18 Tony Duell wrote:
> > - power inlet unit with mains cable, circuit breaker ... and a PCB
> > that looks like a small PSU.
> If that's a PCB that covers the top side of that module,
> There should also be a little PCB inside the module which controls the
> mains relay, I think.
> > - one small transformer
> I don't remember there being a second transformer inside the BA11-K.
> Is this possibly part of the battery backup option (to go with the
> charger PCB below -- this doesn't fit inside the BA11-K)
It looks like this. The samll transformer has its own mains cable.
> OK -- that should be enough to run the machine. You don't _need_ the
> battery backup unit, BTW...
Very good. Now I need better weather. I have to sand-blast and repaint
the card cage (rust everywhere). I will not do this inside the house...
> YOu really need the printset.
Meanwhile I got the tiffs in a readable form by using tiffsplit. I will
have a look at them and print the important ones.
> Maybe the odd cable or connector is missing, but you have the main
> parts.
Souns good. When I get the H745 and H7441 PSU bricks working I will try
to build a minimal setup to see if the CPU and RAM is alive. Then add
the peripheral controllers ... Unfortunately SMPSUs are not my friends.
And if the machine works there is the next task: Rebuild the rusty RK07.
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Fri May 23 2003 - 03:27:01 BST