(another) Re: Commodore 128 available

From: David Woyciesjes <dwoyciesjes_at_comcast.net>
Date: Fri May 23 07:36:00 2003

Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> A friend of mine, Marcus (mlivius_at_charter.net) has a Commodore 128 he is
> willing to part with for shipping (and maybe a few extra bucks). It is
> still in the original packaging but doesn't come with documentation (in
> fact, he says it has rarely, if ever, been used). If anyone is interested,
> please contact him direct (mlivius_at_charter.net) to work out the details of
> shipping from Houston, Texas.
> -spc

        Also, the one I have is available now too. C-128, disk drive, joystick,
and a bunch of software. Mine is in New Haven, CT...

---   Dave Woyciesjes
---   ICQ# 905818
Received on Fri May 23 2003 - 07:36:00 BST

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