I'm beginning to wonder... Does anyone know what clock frequency the Ace runs
at? The RAMs I'm using are Toshiba TMM214APL-1 (2114L-2) chips. The EPROMs
are Texas Instruments TMS2732s, part number TMS2732-45 -- 450nS rated. Is it
likely that the Ace is acting up because the ROMs aren't updating their data
outputs fast enough? By my reckoning, 1MHz = 1uS or 1000nS. 2MHz = 0.5uS or
500nS. ISTR the Ace ran at 1.8432MHz, which should still be in spec for the
I've just checked the address lines going to the RAMs. I now have a list of
which CPU pin connects to what RAM line. There are no shorts to Vcc or Gnd on
the board, so I think I can rule out a bus conflict, unless the inputs to the
LS138 decoder are screwed up... I think more testing is in order. Now where's
that Tek gone...
Received on Wed May 28 2003 - 17:25:00 BST