SemiOT: Network HW items

From: Vintage Computer Festival <>
Date: Sat May 31 09:51:00 2003

On Fri, 30 May 2003, John Rollins wrote:

> OK, I don't know much about higher speed setups. I know ISDN is kinda
> outdated and slow now, but what is currently available at what
> speeds/costs and how are they setup? Rather OT I suppose.
> But more towards the quote above, what really would be needed to
> setup a T1? And how fast IS a T1(something I probably used to know
> but forgot a while ago since I don't run across them often)? The
> older TSU/CSU/DSU/Whatever-SU's(not only is my memory bad, but I
> can't seem to think straight right now!) seem to show up a lot at
> surplus stores or in junk piles. Any reasons to grab or avoid them?

The only use for such devices would be to create a point-to-point T1
connection between two structures where the distance between them is too
for for a standard 10/100baeT cable run. In that case, you would also
need routers on each end that have a T1 interface.

It would be fun to play with if you can gather up all the necessary

Sellam Ismail                                        Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger      
 * Old computing resources for business and academia at *
Received on Sat May 31 2003 - 09:51:00 BST

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