On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, David Vohs wrote:
> Negative, Ghost Rider! The GRiD Compass was released in late '82-early
> '83, the first shuttle flight was in 1981. I also have a bulletin that
> Otrona released (circa late '84, not long after the release of the Otrona
> 2001), talking about how another company would take over service &
> support since they had gone under & couldn't afford it. It also gave a
> brief history of Otrona & the Attache, which the bulletin said they
> released in 1981 (Otrona themselves wrote this bulletin, so I'm not
> arguing it!).
I am almost certain that a GRiD was the first laptop to go into space. At
least this has been the conventional historical anecdote. I don't doubt
what you write above. I've always thought the Otrona came out much later
than the Osborne 1 (which was also 1981) so this changes what I know.
GRiD was founded in 1979. The first Compass into production was almost
certainly in 1982.
More research needed...
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Sat Nov 01 2003 - 10:45:04 GMT