GPIB is the "HP" general purpose interface bus, I use it here with some
the same cards in a 486DX rack mount computer to control some of my test
equipment. To get more specific info on it do a Google search for
Instruments, and HPIB and it should bring up lots of makers of equipment
those as well. I control several "PTS" RF generators and an HP-8640B and
TEK 2712 Spectrum analyzer. They are great for control and the bus
make as much RF hash as running a high speed pentium computer over a
does. Shout if you need pin outs and further descriptions.
Philip Pemberton wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just come back from the hamfest with yet more junk. Besides the large
> quantity of LEDs, LCD displays and magazines, I picked up a set of PCBs. Two
> of them are marked 'IHR "CSG" 1B' - these are fitted with four TIL311s each,
> as well as loads of 74LS logic ICs, circa 1981. There's also an IDC connector
> and some form of power connector.
> Next up is a 10-key keyboard - complete with 74C922 keyboard controller IC.
> This one bears the text 'keyboard (0-9) JRT'. A nice addition to my junk
> box :)
> Finally, I've got two boards with Fairchild (?) "96LS488DC 8128 USA" ICs
> fitted. One of them consists solely of a pair of IDC connectors, a power
> conector, a PAL12H6C (Monolithic Memories - there's a name I haven't heard
> for a while), an 8-way dipswitch and a pair of 74LS chips. This board is
> The last board has the same Fairchild chip (ceramic with brass cover) as
> the other board, but with four IDC connectors, loads of 74LS logic chips,
> three power connectors and a 5-way DIP switch. The board is marked "MRC IHR
> Controller / (C) MRC 1982".
> Can someone tell me what the 96LS488DC is? From what I can tell, it's a
> GPIB controller, whatever GPIB is. I'm still after a datasheet - nothing on
> Google besides a Chipdir listing.
> Sorry if this is off-topic - these boards seem to have come out of a
> computer of some form and I would like to know if any listmembers have heard
> of or seen anything similar. As far as the ten-year-rule goes, I think I'm
> well within the cutoff limit - these boards all carry dates of 1983 or
> earlier.
> Later.
> --
> Phil. | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
> | ViewFinder, Ethernet (Acorn AEH62),
> | 8xCD, framegrabber, Teletext
> ... Batteries not included.
Received on Sun Nov 02 2003 - 09:12:10 GMT